Certified Installers of VIPEQ's Products

  • 705-987-3344 (Canada)
  • 906-440-9098 (USA)

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Of the VIPEQ Canada Products

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The most advanced

Green energy Insulation product

Our product brings the amazing natural characteristics that cork has, and applies them to your home.
Our residential work
Thermal CorkShield™ offers

Superior Properties

to stucco and paint. Our product will not only save you on utilities but also has other amazing properties
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Why choose cork?

Thermal CorkShield™ is the most advanced green energy product on the market. Apply the functionality of cork to your home to provide environmentally friendly thermal insulation, sound absorption, and water protection.


Vipeq's Thermal CorkShield™ has so many amazing benefits:


Awesome Image
Frequently Ask Question

Some FAQ’s

  • Does it absorb sound?
    Depending on the surface it is applied to Cork can absorb unwanted echoes and sound. When applied on the exterior of a home it greatly reduces unwanted noise from entering your home.
  • Is it fireproof?
    Our test have shown that Thermal CorkShield has zero flame spread, will not release incandescent particles that could cause fires.
  • Is it Waterproof and breathable?
    It is water resistant. Just like cork in a wine bottle it will stop the passage of moisture going through however allow it to breath. On your wall it is an effective semi-permeable envelope.
  • Is it flexible?
    The capacity to recover the initial volume after deformation allows it to be very flexible. It can virtually eliminate the cracking seen in most stucco type finishes. 
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